When you can't wait for the Winter

If you like me can't wait for a white winter and you love a little bit of Photoshop magic, you will surely enjoy this post.

If you haven't seen it yet, there is a new tutorial from few days back - How to create white Winter Effect in Photoshop CC  and today's post is a continuation of it.

I think the best way to show how these tools work, is to show you some examples.

All these before pictures has been edited first - basic retouch and clean edit has been applied, and my advice is to always do it first. The next step is Winter PS Action and snow overlays. Like with any editing tools, they don't fix crappy picture, so do it correctly first, shoot in RAW, correct mistakes and than apply creative PS Actions and overlays. Ok, so here are the before and after pictures.

You can learn more about our White Winter Collection here and if you like to check this collection, how it works with your photos, please contact me via Shop contact form.

As always feel free to share your work over our Kimla Designs Fb Page or simply tag @kimladesignsphotography on Instagram. We are using #kimladesigns.