All the Hearts Bokeh Light Effect .

We are introducing a new beautiful pack of Valentine's Day inspired overlays this week and I'm pretty sure you are going to love this one.
I'm a huge fan of light effects, love to apply them to my images and these little hearts are just perfect.

This year VD bokeh overlays are very classic, we kept natural, golden tones and kind of organic look. Each overlay from All the Hearts Bokeh Photoshop Overlays is created in camera. As always these overlays are super easy to use and they will look great with both studio shots and on location images.

Look how great they are when applied to newborn and baby pictures!

and some on location images

How to apply these overlays? 

Check our Complete Guide to Bokeh Light Overlays Here.

If you are still having trouble with applying these overlays, please contact me via the shop. I would be happy to answer all your questions or do some quick edits for you.

All the Hearts Bokeh Overlays pack product sample is available to download now over our Kimla Designs Photography Education group on Facebook.
Join here, download this sample and share your work for a chance to win this brand new Valentine's Day overlays pack. Offer available till Sunday 13th of January.

Thank you Iga logan and Mily Photography for beautiful images in this product previews.